Thursday, March 1, 2007

Dow Jones Down

Why did the Dow go down? The Dow went down because the Chinese stock market crashed. When the stocks crash people start selling their stocks for lower and lower amounts of money. This in turn makes the stock market go down. How does this decline compare to the other famous declines (Great Depression) ? this decline compares to other declines such as the depression because it affected people around the world. The GD happened in the United States but it ended up affecting many different countries around the world and international trade declined rapidly. This is very similar to what happened with the Dow. What will you do with your socks ? well I decided to buy some smaller stocks because they are cheaper now and they will probably make more money since the market went down. Is this a time to buy since prices went down? This would definately be the time to buy stocks since the prices went down. Stocks are less money now and they may have a much bigger gain soon.

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